Basic loading data (for a single anchor). All data in this section applies to. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. Description: High strength adhesive . Container size: 3ml, 5ml. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture . Tredje generasjon epoksy-mørtel fra HILTI med SafeSet-installasjon og optimal.

Safety Data Sheet : Review the DS before use. Información de seguridad para 2-Componentes productos. A SDS for each of these components is included. Please do not separate any component SDS from this cover page.

Keep out of the reach of children! RE 500-SD 3ml foil pack. This epoxy chemical mortar is . Sikagrout 2Data Sheet Specification notes.

Anchor HIT-V with strength class 5. Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH. Afdeling, som står for udarbejdelse af databladet. Weitere Produktinformationen: Inhalt je Kartusche: 330ml/ 500ml ; SAFEset: Ja; Für. Lager- und Transporttemperatur – max: °C; Mischertypen: HIT – RE -M .